Let’s chat about my LinkedIn Learning course, Creating a Fixed-Layout EPUB. In this course, I will show you how to create these cool kind of EPUBs, that iBooks will show as though it were a PDF, but you can sell them through the iBookstore.
We will start by looking at some of the special features of Fixed-Layout EPUBs, and we will talk about how to get the content into an EPUB. I will show you how you can extract images from your PDFs; we will jump right into editing all these HTML files and image files using Dreamweaver and other EPUB editing programs.
And I’ll show you how to do things that everybody asks me about all the time, like how do you embed fonts in a Fixed -Layout EPUB? How can you make images span a two-page spread, and what’s the fastest way that you can proof your EPUBs on your iPad?
There’s a lot to cover, but I try to make it as clear and simple as possible. So let’s get started with Creating a Fixed-Layout EPUB.
Topics include:
- Comparing fixed-layout and flowing EPUBs
- Replacing placeholders in the fixed-layout template
- Extracting content from PDFs with Adobe Acrobat Pro and Reader
- Using free scripts to streamline fixed-layout production
- Extracting text and its formatting from InDesign layouts
- Exporting InDesign layouts to single-page HTML files
- Adding viewport and orientation instructions
- Embedding your own fonts
- Creating faux text wraps around background images
- Validating the EPUB
If you’re not a member of lynda.com or LinkedIn Learning, you will only be able to see sample videos in each course. To get full access to all the videos in my courses and others, you can get a free 30-day Premium membership trial using this link: https://linkedin-learning.pxf.io/amc_videos.