In this LinkedIn Learning course, we’re going to learn how to create a promising new format for digital publications, fixed-layout EPUBs. We’ll look at embedding your publication’s custom fonts from your own library or from Typekit and working around a few glitches that you may encounter. We’ll be adding interactive features like animation, button actions, slideshows and video, and using the new EPUB interactivity preview panel to streamline development in InDesign.
Then we’ll learn the best ways to proof your fixed layout EPUB on your Mac or Windows computer and on the eReader devices themselves. Finally, I’ll show you how to open and edit these EPUBs to add some in-demand features that InDesign doesn’t provide yet. In this course, you’ll learn all you need to know to create rock solid, fixed-layout EPUBs from Adobe InDesign and how to proof and edit them for sales and distribution.
Topics include:
- Examining files inside a fixed-layout EPUB
- Checking fonts for EPUB readiness
- Working with Typekit fonts
- Creating and optimizing images
- Creating a navigational TOC
- Adding hyperlinks and cross-references
- Animating objects
- Creating buttons
- Adding video and sound
- Using the new EPUB Interactivity Preview panel
- Exporting fixed-layout EPUBs
- Testing and validating EPUBs
- Editing EPUBs
Now let’s get started with Creating Fixed-Layout EPUBs with InDesign CC.
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